10 reasons to trim your body hair

Trim body hair, shaving, balding or not? This is a question that every man asks himself at some point. Well, it always depends on the amount of body hair though.

In the trend are no longer shaved bodies, but a trimmed body hair. That is, the hair is trimmed to 1-2 cm, on the chest as well as on the six-pack.  Maximum 2-3 cm under the armpits. But the nipples always remain free.


Körperhaare trimmenQuelle: unsplash

10 reasons why you should trim or shave off your body hair:

Muscles are shown to better advantage without hair covering them. The contour of a body is better perceived without hair. Smooth male bodies embody masculinity, youth and health.

An extreme amount of hair can lead to body odor. Shaving or trimming the hair on the chest and armpits allows sweat to evaporate better, resulting in less body odor.

You don’t have to shave completely naked – trimming is enough. You can also determine the length individually yourself. Such a touch of men’s hair can be very erotic.

The intimate area should be trimmed – less hair is recommended for a good blowjob. And: intimate hair also radiates a certain masculinity.

Nice and cool in summer
Hair warms, just ask your heavily haired buddy! The fur is like a sweater that you wear even in summer! Trim it or shave it off and it’s much cooler in the summer.

Shaving is the best choice if you want to match the type young, cool, styled and well-dressed.

Smooth skin
Many men love to caress over a smooth body. Kissing, by the way, hurts less then too….

No parasites
Crabs, ticks, etc. prefer to nest in warm and humid hairy regions. On smooth shaved skin they do not find such a good hold.

Tight-fitting T-shirts are totally cool. But hairs on the chest stand out unattractively underneath, and can even come through. It only looks funny – but it’s totally uncool. And hairy toes in open sandals are also a no-no! Therefore, also shave off the toe hair.

Less Cleaning
As a very hairy man, you also lose the hair, there is hair everywhere in the apartment. In the bathroom, on the carpet, tiles. A man also sheds like a dog when he changes his coat and all year round. If you shave, you have less to clean.


body hairQuelle: jordannix by unsplash

What do you say? Trimming body hair – yes or no?


How to Trim Chest Hair and Make It Look Natural – wikiHow


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