Corona + Vacation 2021

It’s June 2021 and I want a vacation!

We were patient for 18 months (or was that even longer?) and followed all the Corona rules.

We wore mask, stayed home in the evenings and had hardly any contact with friends, acquaintances or work colleagues. Working in sweatpants at home in the home office. In the evenings, we watched the latest Corona figures on television. Sometimes it went up, sometimes down, and we had patience.

The good thing is that the vaccination rate has increased and the digital vaccination card is available – both of which should make traveling in Corona times easier. Since June 14, 2021, many countries are no longer risk areas, and as of July 1, even quite a few travel warnings are to be lifted.


UrlaubQuelle: pexels

Can you now think about the vacation?

Thoughts yes, because travel offers are enough, but where to go on vacation in 2021? What happens if a mutation spreads quickly?

Actually, one would have to spontaneously and immediately or within a week pack the suitcases and fly away, drive away, no matter, the main thing is away and as long as it is still possible.

One thing we have learned, things can change at any time, everything can be different in a few days and some borders can be closed. At the moment everything looks good and I think, as selfish as it may sound, it’s time to get out, right?


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  • Urlaub: pexels

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